I am a PhD candidate in the Applied Conservation Science Lab at the University of Victoria. I am broadly interested in the ecology and conservation of mountain ecosystems with a specific interest in mountain goat population ecology in relation to weather, climate and environmental conditions. I have worked across a broad range of ecological systems and taxa ranging from Pacific salmon, American dippers and flying squirrels to moose, mountain goats and wolves while spending a majority of my professional career working as a wildlife research biologist in coastal Alaska. I look forward to conducting research and analyses focused on the understanding relationships between mountain goats and avalanche processes; an important population driver that may have both costs and benefits especially when viewed through the lens of climate change. A culturally important and iconic species of western North American landscapes, mountain goats are considered sentinels of health and resilience of mountain ecosystems and present important challenges and opportunities for conservation.
My research is made possible through current and past partnerships with state, federal, local agencies, university collaborators, industry and non-profit organizations.