In the pipeline

Janse van Rensburg, A., Service, C., Jessen, T., Mortyn, J., and Darimont, C.T. Submitted. Estimating remaining highly productive old-growth western redcedar in Kitasoo Xai’xais Territory using productivity indices and a LIDAR-derived Canopy Height Model. 

Artelle, K.A., Bourbonnais, M.L., Reynolds, J.D., Paquet, P.C., Adams, M.S., Bryan, H.M., Field, K.A., Service, C.N., and Darimont, C.T.  Submitted. Using culturally important focal species to inform conservation: Spatial capture-recapture analyses of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) in the Great Bear Rainforest reveals gaps in a globally-acclaimed protected areas strategy.

Bourbonnais, M., Nelson, T., Stenhouse, G., Coops, N., Nathoo, F., Darimont, C. In revision. A longitudinal approach for identifying scale-dependent change in habitat selection. Ecology and Evolution.

Adams, M., Bourbonnais, M., Service, C., Artelle, K., Bryan, H., Paquet, P., Levi, T., Nelson, T., and Darimont, C. In revision. Human activity unravels predator-prey interactions between grizzly bears and salmon. Biological Conservation.

Henson, L.H., Christensen, K., Johnson, H., VonHoldt, B., Stronen, A.V., Paquet, P., Moody, J., Koop, B., Darimont, C.T. In Review. Whole genome resequencing identifies potential signatures of local adaptation in a wide-ranging omnivore across a striking ecotone: grizzly bears in British Columbia.


Shukla, I., Gaynor, K.M., Worm, B., Darimont, C.T. 2023. The diversity of animals identified as keystone species. Ecology and Evolution, 13(10)Open Access

Obrist, D.S., Hanley, P.J., Kennedy, J.C., Fitzpatrick, O.T, Wickham, S.B, Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y., Darimont, C.T., Starzomski, B.M., Reynolds, J.D. 2023. Equivalent roles of marine subsidies and island characteristics  in shaping island bird communities. Journal of Biogeography, 00(1)Open Access.

Darimont, C.T., Cooke, R. Bourbonnais, M.L., Bryan, H.M., Carlson, S.M., Estes, J.A., Galetti, M., Levi, T., MacLean, J.L., McKechnie, I., Paquet, P.C., & Worm, B. (2023). Humanity’s diverse predatory niche and its ecological consequences. Communications Biology, 6(609). Open Access

Darimont, C.T. & Shukla, I. 2023. When the enemy of an enemy is no friend. Science, 380(6646). Access here.

Clapham, M., Wilson, A.E., Williams, C.L., Sergiel, A. 2023. Brown bear skin-borne secretions display evidence of individuality and age-sex variation. Scientific Reports, 13(1). Open Access


Treves, A., Darimont, C.T., Santiago-Ávila, F.J. 2022. Comment on correcting Stenglein & van Deelen 2016. PLOS OneSee comment

Henson, L.H., Service, C., Stronen, Moody, J., Housty, W., Reece, D., vonHoldt, B., Darimont, C.T. 2022. Genetic evidence to inform management of rare genetic variants and gene flow: Balancing the conservation of the rare “Spirit bear” allele and population genetic diversity across a complex landscape. Conservation Science and Practice, 4(11), e12769. Open Access

Obrist, D.S., Fitzpatrick, O.T., Brown, N.E.M., Hanly, P.J., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y., Wickham, S.B., Darimont, C.T., Reynolds, J.D., Starzomski, B.M. 2022. Scale-dependent effects of marine subsidies on the island biogeographic patterns of plants. Ecology and Evolution, 12(9). Open Access

Ripple, W.J., Wolf, C., Phillips, M.K., Beschta, R.L., Vucetich, J.A., Kauffman, J.B., Law, B.E., Wirsing, A.J., Lambert, J.E., Leslie, E., Vynne, C., Dinerstein, E., Noss, R., Wuerthner, G., DellaSala, D.A., Bruskotter, J.T., Nelson, M.P., Crist, E., Darimont, C.T., Ashe, D.M. 2022. Rewilding the American West. BioScience, 72(2). Open Access.

Lennox, R.J., Brownscombe, J.W., Darimont, C.T., Horodysky, A., Levi, T., Raby, G.D., Cooke, S.J. 2022. The roles of humans and apex predators in sustaining ecosystem structure and function: Contrast, complementarity and coexistence. People and Nature, 4(5). Open Access.

Obrist, D.S., Hanly, P.J., Brown, N.E.M., Ernst, C.M., Wickham, S.B., Fitzpatrick, O.T., Kennedy, J.C., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.B., Darimont, C.T., Starzomski, B.M., Reynolds, J.D. 2022. Biogeographic features mediate marine subsidies to island food webs. Ecosphere, 13(7). Open Access

Gustas, R., McKechnie, I., Mackie, Q., Darimont, C. 2022. Estimating Volumes of Coastal Shell Midden Sites Using Geometric Solids: An Example from Tseshaht Territory, Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 10(2). Open Access.

Clapham, M., Miller, E., Nguyen, M., van Horn, R.C. 2022. Multispecies facial detection for individual identification of wildlife: a case study across ursids. Mammalian Biology, 102(3)Open Access.

Jessen, T.D., Service, C.N., Poole, C.G., Burton, A.C., Bateman, A.W., Paquet, P.C., Darimont, C.T. 2022. Indigenous peoples as sentinels of change in human-wildlife relationships: Conservation status of mountain goats in Kitasoo Xai’xais territory and beyond. Conservation Science and Practice, 4(4), e12662. Open AccessData Repository

Stronen, A.V., Norman, A.J., Vander Wal, E., Paquet, P.C. 2022. The relevance of genetic structure in ecotype designation and conservation management. Evolutionary Applications, 15(2). Open Access

Jessen, T.D., Ban, N.C., Claxton, N.X., and Darimont, C.T. 2022Contributions of Indigenous Knowledge to ecological and evolutionary understanding. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(2). Open Access.


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Artelle, K.A., Adams, M.A., Bryan, H.M., Darimont, C.T., Housty, W., Moody, J., Neasloss, D., Service, C., and Walkus, J. 2021. Decolonial Model of Environmental Management and Conservation: Insights from Indigenous-led grizzly bear conservation in the Great Bear Rainforest. Ethics, Policy, & Environment, 24(3). Open Access

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Davidson, K.H., Starzomski, B., El-Sabaawi, R., Hocking, M., Reynolds, J.D., Wickham, S., Darimont, C.T. 2021Marine subsidies influence spatial and dietary niche variation in an omnivore, the Keen’s mouse (Peromyscus keeni). Ecology and Evolution, 11(24). Open Access

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Beveridge, R., Pauly, B., Moody, M., Murray, G., & Darimont, C. T. 2021. Applying community-based and Indigenous research methodologies: Lessons learned from the Nuxalk Sputc Project. Ecology & Society, 26(4). Open Access.

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Darimont, C. and Pelletier, F. 2021. Of war, tusks, and genes. Science, 374(6566). Open Access

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Foster, E.U., Watson, J.C., Lemay, M.A., Tinker, M.T., Estes, J.A., Piercey, R.S., Henson, L., Ritland, C., Miscampbell, A., Nichol, L.M., Hessing-Lewis, M., Salomon, A.K., Darimont, C.T. 2021. Physical disturbance by recovering sea otter populations increases eelgrass genetic diversity. Science, 374(6565). Open Access

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Caravaggi, A., Amado, T.F., Banfield, J.E., Brook, R.K., Ciuti, S., Darimont, C.T., Drouilly, M., English, H.M., Field, K.A., Iossa, G., Martin, J.E., McElligott, A.G., Mohammadi, A., Nayeri, D., O’Neill, H.M.K., Paquet, P., Périquet, S., Proulx, G., Rabaiotti, D., Recio, M.R., Soulsbury, C.D., Tadich, T.  2021On the need for rigorous ethical and methodological reporting for the live-capture of large carnivores: a response to de Araujo et al. (2021). Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(10). Open Access.

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Adams, M., Connors, B., Levi, T., Shaw, D., Walkus, J., Rogers, S., Darimont, C. 2021Local values and data empower culturally-guided ecosystem-based fisheries management of the Wuikinuxv bear-salmon-human system. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(4). Open Access.

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Henson, L.H., Balkenhol, N., Gustas, R., Adams, M., Walkus, J., Housty, W., Stronen, A.V., Moody, J., Service, C., Reece, D., VonHoldt, B., McKechnie, I., Koop, B.F., Darimont, C.T. 2021Convergent geographic patterns between grizzly bear population genetic structure and Indigenous language groups in coastal British Columbia, Canada. Ecology & Society, 26(3). Open Access.

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Stronen, A. V., Molnar, B., Ciucci, P., Darimont, C., Grottoli, L., Paquet, P., Sallows, T., Smits, J., Bryan, H. 2021. Cross-continental comparison of parasite communities in a wide-ranging carnivore suggests associations with prey diversity and host density. Ecology & Evolution, 11(15). Open Access.

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Treves, A., Paquet, P.C., Artelle, Cornman, A.M., Krofel, M., and Darimont, C.T. 2021. Transparency about values and assertions of fact in natural resource management. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2Open Access.

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Clark, D., Artelle, K.A., Darimont, C.T., Housty, W., Tallio, C., Neasloss, D., Schmidt, A., Wiget, A., and Turner, N. 2021. Grizzly and polar bears as non-consumptive cultural keystone species. FACETS, 6(1). Open Access.

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Service, C., Ingram, T., Reimchen, T., and Darimont, C. 2021. Intrapopulation foraging niche variation between phenotypes and genotypes of Spirit bear populations. Ecology & Evolution, 11(10). Open Access.

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DeRoy, B., Brown, V., Service, C., Bone, C., Leclerc, M., McKechnie, I., and Darimont, C. 2021. Combining high-resolution remotely sensed data with local and Indigenous Knowledge to model the landscape suitability of culturally modified trees: bicultural stewardship in Kitasoo/Xai’xais Territory. FACETS, 6(1). Open Access.

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Short, M., and Darimont, C.T. 2021. Global synthesis reveals that ecosystem degradation poses the primary threat to the world’s medicinal animals. Ecology and Society, 26(1). Open Access.

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Stredulinsky, E.H., Darimont, C.T., Barrett-Lennard, L., Ellis, G., and Ford, J.K.B. 2021. Family feud: permanent group splitting in a highly philopatric mammal, the killer whale (Orcinus orca). Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology, 75(56). Open Access.

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Darimont, C., Hall, H., Eckert, L., Mihalik, I., Artelle, K., Treves, A., and Paquet, P. 2021. Large carnivore hunting and the social license to hunt. Conservation Biology, 35(4). Open Access.


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Levi, T., Hilderbrand, G.V., Hocking, M. D., Quinn, T.P., White, K. S., Adams, M. S., Armstrong, J.B., Crupi, A.P., Darimont, C.T., Deacy, W., Gilbert, S.L., Ripple, W.J., Shakeri, Y.N., Wheat, R.E., and Wilmers, C.C. 2020. Community ecology and conservation of bear-salmon ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, 8Open Access.

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Clapham, M., Miller, Ed., Nguyen, M., Darimont, C. 2020. Automated facial recognition for wildlife that lack unique markings: a deep learning approach. Ecology & Evolution, 10(23). Open Access.

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Reid, A., Eckert, L., Young, N., Lane, J.F., Hinch, S., Darimont, C., Cooke, S., Ban, N., Marshall, A. 2020. “Two-Eyed Seeing”: An Indigenous framework to transform fisheries research and management. Fish and Fisheries, 22(2). Open Access.

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Hillis, D., McKechnie, I., Guiry, E., St. Claire, D.E., Darimont, C.T. 2020Ancient dog diets on the Pacific Northwest Coast: zooarchaeological and stable isotope modelling evidence from Tseshaht territory and beyond. Scientific Reports, 10Open Access.

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Service, C., Bourbonnais, M., Adams, M., Henson, L., Neasloss, D., Picard, C., Paquet, P., Darimont, C. 2020Spatial patterns and rarity of the white-phased ‘Spirit Bear’ allele reveals gaps in habitat protection. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 1(2). Open Access.

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Fraser, M., McWhinnie, L., Canessa, R., and Darimont, C. 2020Compliance of small vessels to minimum distance regulations for humpback and killer whales in the Salish Sea. Marine Policy, 121Open Access

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Harding, L.E., Bourbonnais, M., Cook, A.T., Spribille, T., Wagner, V., and Darimont, C. (2020). No statistical support for wolf control and maternal penning as conservation measures for endangered mountain caribou. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29Open Access.

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Beveridge, R., Moody, M., Murray, G., Darimont, C., Pauly, B. (2020). The Nuxalk Sputc (Eulachon) Project: Strengthening Indigenous management authority through community-driven research. Marine Policy, 119Open Access.

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Darimont, C.T, Bryan, H.M. (2020). Hypermobile Human Predators. Nature Human Behaviour, 4Open Access.

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Obrist, D.S., Hanly, P.J., Kennedy, J.C., Fitzpatrick, O.T., Wickham, S.B., Ernst, C.M., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y., Darimont, C.T., Starzomski, B.M., Reynolds, J.D. (2020) Marine subsidies mediate patterns in avian island biogeography. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 287(1922).  Open Access.

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Eckert, L., Claxton, N., Owens, C., Johnston, A., Ban, N., Moola, F., and Darimont, C. (2020) Indigenous Knowledge and federal environmental assessments in Canada: applying past lessons to the 2019 impact assessment act. FACETS, 5(1). Open Access.

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Wickham, S.B., Shackelford, N., Darimont, C.T., Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y., Reynolds, J.D., Starzomski, B.M. (2020) Sea wrack delivery and accumulation on islands: factors that mediate marine nutrient permeability. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 635Open Access


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Muhly, T., Johnson, C., Hebblewhite, M., Neilson, E., Fortin, D., Fryxell, J. M., Latham, A. D. M., Latham, M. C., McLoughlin, P. D., Merrill, E., Paquet P. C., Patterson, B. R., Schmiegelow, F., Scurrah, F., Musiani, M. 2019. Functional responce of wolves to human development across boreal North America. Ecology and Evolution 9(8), 10801-10815. Open Access.

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DeRoy, B., Service, C., and Darimont, C.T. 2019. Biocultural indicators to support locally-led environmental management and monitoring. Ecology and Society 24(4):21. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1126/science.aaz4023″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Batavia, C., Bruksotter, J.T., Darimont, C.T., Nelson, M.P., and Wallach, A.D. 2019. Trophy hunting: Values inform policy (letter). Science 366(6464), 433. PDF Link

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Treves, A. Santiago-Ávila, F.J., Popescu, V.D.,  Paquet, P.C. Lynn, W.S.,  Darimont, C.T.,  and Artelle, K.A. 2019. Trophy hunting: Insufficient evidence (letter). Science 366(6464), 435. PDF Link.

[altmetric doi=”10.1098/rsos.191231″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Mihalik, I., Bateman, A.W., and Darimont, C.T. 2019. Trophy hunters pay more to target larger-bodied carnivores. Royal Society Open Science 6, 191231. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1139/facets-2018-0042″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Westwood, A. R., Otto, S. P., Mooers, A., Darimont, C., Hodges, K. E., Johnson, C., Starzomski, B., Burton, C., Chan, K., Festa-Bianchet, M., Fluker, S. C., Gulati, S., Jacob, A., Kraus, D. T., Martin, T., Palen, W., Reynolds, J., and Whitton, J. 2019. Protecting Biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for Developing Endangered Species Legislation. FACETS 4, 136–160. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pbio.3000193″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Field, K. A., Paquet, P. C., Artelle, K., Proulx, G., Brook, R. K., and Darimont, C. T. 2019. Publication reform to safeguard wildlife from researcher harm. PLOS Biology 17(4), e3000193. Open AccessResearch highlight in Science.

[altmetric doi=”10.1002/ece3.4953″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Rechsteiner, E. U., Watson, J. C., Tinker, M. T., Nichol, L. M., Morgan Henderson, M. J., McMillan, C. J., DeRoos, M., Fournier, M. C., Salomon, A. K., Honka, L. D., and Darimont, C. T. 2019. Sex and occupation time influence niche space of a recovering keystone predator. Ecology and Evolution 9, 3321– 3334. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1111/cobi.13211″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Treves, A., Artelle, K.A., and Paquet, P.C. 2019. Differentiating between regulation and hunting as conservation interventions. Conservation Biology 33, 472-475. Open Access.


[altmetric doi=”10.1111/1365-2656.12932″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Service, C.N., Adams, M.S., Bateman, A.W., Artelle, K.A., Reimchen, T.E., Paquet, P.C., and Darimont, C.T. 2018. Species diversity predicts salmon consumption by terrestrial wildlife. Journal of Animal Ecology 88, 392– 404. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1126/sciadv.aav2571″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Artelle, K.A., Reynolds, J.D., Treves, A., Walsh, J.C., Paquet, P.C., and Darimont, C.T. 2018. Working constructively toward an improved North American approach to wildlife management. Science Advances 4(10), eaav2571. Open Access.

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Collins, D., Alexander, C., and Darimont, C.T. 2018. Staqeya: the lone wolf at the edge of its ecological niche. Ecology 100(1), e02513. Link to the article.

[altmetric doi=”10.1016/j.aquabot.2018.09.006″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Wickham, S., Darimont. C. T., Reynolds, J. D., and Starzomski, B. M. 2018. Species-specific wet-dry mass calibrations for dominant Northeastern Pacific Ocean macroalgae and seagrass. Aquatic Botany 152, 27-31. Link to the article.

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Batavia, C., Nelson, M.P., Darimont, C.T., Paquet, P.C., Ripple, W.J., and Wallach. A.D. 2018. The elephant (head) in the room: A critical look at trophy hunting. Conservation Letters 12, e12565. e12565. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1126/science.aau6992″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Artelle, K.A., Moola, F.M., Paquet, P.C., Darimont, C.T. 2018. British Columbia’s wildlife model reform (letter). Science 361(6401), 459-460. PDF Link.

[altmetric doi=”10.1038/s41437-018-0094-x” float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Hendricks, S, Schweizer, R.M., Harrigan, R.J., Pollinger, J.P., R Brown, Paquet, P.C., Darimont, C.T., Adams, J.R., Waits, L.P, vonHoldt, B.M., Hohenlohe, P.A., and Wayne, R.K. 2018. Natural re-colonization and admixture of wolves (Canis lupus) in the US Pacific Northwest: challenges for the protection and management of rare and endangered taxa. Heredity 22, 133–149. Open Access.

Artelle, K.A., Reynolds, J.D., Treves, A., Walsh, J.C., Paquet, P.C., and Darimont, C.T. 2018. Distinguishing science from “fact by assertion” in natural resource management. Science Advances, eLetter Exchange 4(3), eaao0167. Link to the eLetterPDF Link.

[altmetric doi=”10.1126/sciadv.aao0167″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Artelle, K.A., Reynolds, J.D., Treves, A., Walsh, J.C., Paquet, P.C., and Darimont, C.T. 2018. Hallmarks of science missing from North American wildlife management. Science Advances 4, eaao0167. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1111/cobi.13065″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., P.C. Paquet, A. Treves, K.A. Artelle, and G. Chapron. 2018. Political populations of large carnivores. Conservation Biology 32 (3): 747-749. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1038/s41559-018-0465-y” float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Treves, A., K.A. Artelle, C.T. Darimont, W.S. Lynn, P. Paquet, F.J. Santiago-vila, S. Rance, and M.C. Wood2018. Intergenerational equity can help to prevent climate change and extinction. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 204–207. DOI:10.1038/s41559-018-0465-y. Open Access.


[altmetric doi=”10.1038/d41586-017-07553-6″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., Artelle, K.A., Moola, F., and Paquet, P. 2017. Trophy Hunting: Science on its own can’t dictate policy. Nature 551: 565. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1002/wsb.796″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Ebeling-Schuld, A.M. and C.T. Darimont. 2017. Online hunting forums identify achievement as prominent among multiple satisfactions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41, 523-529. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1186/s12898-017-0138-8″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Foote, C., Darimont, C.T., Baguette, M., S. Blanchet, L.M Jacobus, D. Mazzi, and J. Settel. 2017. BMC ecology image completion 2017: the winning images. BMC Ecology 17: 28. Open Access (Some lovely photos here).

[altmetric doi=”10.1002/ecs2.1843″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Adams, M., Service, C., Bateman, A., Bourbonnais, M., Artelle, K., Nelson, T., Paquet, P., Levi, T., and Darimont, C. 2017. Intrapopulation diversity in isotopic niche over landscapes: Spatial patterns inform conservation of bear-salmon systems. Ecosphere 8(6):e01843. 10.1002/ecs2.1843. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1098/rsbl.2016.0909″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., B.F. Codding, and K. Hawkes. 2017. Why men trophy hunt. Biology Letters 13: 20160909. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1093/biosci/bix051″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Keeler B.L., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Guerry, A.D., Addison, P.F.E., Bettigole, C., Burke, I.C., Gentry, B., Chambliss, L., Young, C., Travis, A.J., Darimont, C.T., Gordon, D.R., Hellmann, J., Kareiva, P., Monfort, S., Olander, L., Profeta, T., Possingham, H.P., Slotterback, C., Sterling, E., Ticktin, T., and Vira, B. 2017. Society Is Ready for a New Kind of Science—Is Academia? BioScience 67(7): 591-592. Open Access.

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Treves, A., K.A. Artelle, C.T. Darimont, and D. Parsons. 2017. Mismeasured mortality: correcting estimates of wolf poaching in the United States. Journal of Mammalogy 98(5): 1256-1264. Open Access.

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Bourbonnais M.L., Nelson T.A., Stenhouse G.B., Wulder M.A., White J.C., Hobart G.W., Hermosilla T., Coops N.C., Nathoo F., and Darimont C.T. 2017. Characterizing spatial-temporal patterns of landscape disturbance and recovery in western Alberta, Canada using a functional data analysis approach and remotely sensed data. Ecological Informatics 39: 140-150. Open Access.

Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L.Y., Starzomski, B.M., Reynolds, J.D., Darimont, C.T., and Nelson, T.A. 2017. Deriving rich coastal morphology and shore zone classification data from LIDAR terrain models. Journal of Coastal Research 33(4): 949-958. Open Access.

Darimont, CT. 2017. Unsung ecological heroes: those who choose field work over desk work (Book Review). Ecology 98: 591-592.

Cullingham, C.I., Thiessen, C., Derocher, A. Paquet, P.C., Miller, J., Hamilton, J.A. and D. W. Coltman. 2016. Population structure and dispersal of wolves in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Journal of Mammalogy 97(3): 839-851. Open Access.

Ripple, W.J., G. Chapron, J.V. López-Bao, S.M. Durant, D.W. Macdonald, P.A. Lindsey, E.L. Bennett, R.L. Beschta, J.T. Bruskotter, A. Campos-Arceiz, C.T. Darimont, R.T. Corlett, A.J. Dickman, R. Dirzo, H.T. Dublin, J.A. Estes,  K.T. Everatt, M. Galetti, V.R. Goswami, M.W. Hayward, S. Hedges, L.T.B. Hunter, G. Kerley, T. Levi, J.C. Morrison, M. P. Nelson, T. M. Newsome, L. Painter, R.M. Pringle, C.J. Sandom J. Terborgh, A. Treves, B. Van Valkenburgh, J.A. Vucetich, A.J. Wirsing A.D. Wallach, C. Wolf, R. Woodroffe, H. Young, L. Zhang. 2017. Conserving the world’s megafauna and biodiversity; the fierce urgency of now. BioScience 67(3): 197-200. Open Access.


Teichman, K., B. Cristescu, and C.T. Darimont. 2016. Hunting as a management tool? Trends in cougar hunting and conflict with humans. BMC Ecology 16: 44. Open Access  See related blog by Kristine Teichman at BMC Ecology site.

Ripple, W.J., G. Chapron, J.V. López-Bao, S.M. Durant, D.W. Macdonald, P.A. Lindsey, E.L. Bennett, R.L. Beschta, J.T. Bruskotter, A. Campos-Arceiz, C.T. Darimont, R.T. Corlett, A.J. Dickman, R. Dirzo, H.T. Dublin, J.A. Estes,  K.T. Everatt, M. Galetti, V.R. Goswami, M.W. Hayward, S. Hedges, L.T.B. Hunter, G. Kerley, T. Levi, J.C. Morrison, M. P. Nelson, T. M. Newsome, L. Painter, R.M. Pringle, C.J. Sandom J. Terborgh, A. Treves, B. Van Valkenburgh, J.A. Vucetich, A.J. Wirsing A.D. Wallach, C. Wolf, R. Woodroffe, H. Young, L. Zhang. 2016. Saving the world’s terrestrial megafauna. BioScience 66(10): 807-812. Open Access.

Artelle, K.A., Anderson, S.C., Reynolds, J.D., Cooper, A.B., Paquet, P.C., and Darimont, C.T. 2016. Ecology of conflict: marine food supply affects human-wildlife interactions on land. Scientific Reports 6: 25936. Open Access.

Darimont, C.T. 2016.  A World for my Daughter: An Ecologist’s Search for Optimism (Book Review). Fisheries 41: 210. E-print linkLink to book.

Fox, C.H., A.L Jacob, C.T Darimont, and P.C. Paquet. 2016. Pacific herring and fisheries management in Canada: A new era or repeated history? Ocean and Coastal Management 125: 47-48.  Open Access (until May 19, 2016).

Kite, R., T.A. Nelson, G.B. Stenhouse, and C.T. Darimont. 2016. A spatial autocorrelation-based approach to analyzing wildlife movement patterns in disturbed landscapes: Linking grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) near-road movement to survival. Biological Conservation 195: 24-32. Open Access.

2015 & Earlier

[altmetric doi=”10.1126/science.aac4249″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., C.H. Fox, H.M. Bryan, and T.E. Reimchen. 2015. The unique ecology of human predators. Science 349(6250): 858-860. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1080/10871209.2015.1046533″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Child, K.R, and C.T. Darimont. 2015. Hunting for trophies: online hunter photographs reveal achievement satisfaction with large and dangerous prey. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20(6): 531-541. Open Access.

Darimont, C.T. 2015. This is Somewhere (Foreward). In This is Nowhere (J. Koreski, Ed). Harbour Publishing. Link to this gorgeous book.

Darimont, C.T., K. Artelle, H.B. Bryan, M. MacDuffee, and P.C. Paquet. 2015Grizzly bears, salmon, and people; the upstream journey to fisheries sustainability. In Bear Necessities: Rescue, Rehabilitation, Sanctuary, and Advocacy (L. Kemmerer, Ed). Koninjlike Brill Press.

Adams, M., J. Carpenter, J.A. Housty, D. Neasloss, Paul C. Paquet, C.N.  Service, J. Walkus, and C.T. Darimont. 2015. De-centering the university from community-based research: a framework for engagement between academic and Indigenous collaborators in conservation and natural resource research. In Toolbox of Principles for Research in Indigenous Contexts: Ethics, Respect, Equity, Reciprocity, Cooperation and Culture First Nations of Québec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission via

Best, B., Fox, C.H., Williams, R., Halpin, P. and Paquet, P.C. 2015. Updated marine mammal distribution and abundance estimates in coastal British Columbia. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 15: 9–26. Open Access.

Darimont, C.T., C. Genovali, C. Service, and P.C. Paquet. 2015. Hunting for a trophy hunting ethic. In Animals and the Environment: Advocacy, Activism, and the Quest for Common Ground (L. Kemmerer, Ed). Routledge Press.

[altmetric doi=”10.1017/S0376892915000211″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Proulx, G., R. Brook, M. Cattet, C.T. Darimont, and P.C. Paquet. 2015.  Poisoning wildlife with strychnine is unacceptable in experimental studies and conservation programs.  Environmental Conservation 43(1): 1-2. Open Access.

Brook, R., M. Cattet, C.T. Darimont, P.C. Paquet, and G. Proulx. 2015. Maintaining ethical standards amidst conservation crises. Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management (4): 72-79. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1186/s12898-015-0045-9″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Fox, C.H., Paquet, P.C., Reimchen, T.E. 2015. Novel species interactions: American black bears respond to Pacific herring spawn. BMC Ecology 15: 4. Open Access.

Bourbonnais, M., T.A. Nelson, M.R.L. Cattett, C. T. Darimont and G.B. Stenhouse. 2014. Scale-specific environmental factors impacting body condition of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in Alberta, Canada. Conservation Physiology 2(1), cou043.  Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pone.0113118″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Favaro B, Claar DC, Fox CH, Freshwater C, Holden JJ, et al. 2014. Trends in Extinction Risk for Imperiled Species in Canada. PLoS ONE 9(11): e113118. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1111/1365-2435.12354″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Bryan, H.M., Smits, J.E.G., Koren, L., Paquet, P.C., Wynne-­Edwards, K. E., and Musiani, M. 2014. Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive hormones than wolves with lower hunting pressure. Functional Ecology. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pone.0103487″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., and K.R. Child. 2014. What enables size-selective trophy hunting of wildlife? PLOS ONE 9(8): e103487. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pone.0101595″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Service, C.N., M.S. Adams, K.A. Artelle, P.C. Paquet, L.V. Grant and C.T. Darimont. 2014. Indigenous knowledge and science unite to reveal spatial and temporal dimensions of distributional shift in wildlife of conservation concern. PLOS ONE  9(7): e101595. Open Access.

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Housty, W.G., A. Noson, G.W. Scoville, J. Boulanger, C.T. Darimont, and C.E. Filardi. 2014. Grizzly bear monitoring by the Heiltsuk people as a scientific crucible for First Nations conservation practice. Ecology and Society 19 (2): 70. Open Access.

Adams, M., J. Carpenter, J.A. Housty, D. Neasloss, Paul C. Paquet, C.N.  Service, J. Walkus, and C.T. Darimont. 2014. Towards increased engagement between academic and indigenous community partners in ecological research. Ecology and Society 19 (3): 5. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”doi:10.1186/1472-6785-14-11″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Stronen, A.V., E.L. Navid, M.S. Quinn, P.C. Paquet, and C.T. Darimont. 2014. Population genetic structure of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in a marine archipelago suggests island-mainland differentiation consistent with dietary niche. BMC Ecology 14: 11. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1126/science.343.6177.1311-a” float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Artelle, K.A., J.D. Reynolds, P.C. Paquet, and C.T. Darimont. 2014. When Scientific management isn’t.  Science 343: 1311. Open Access.

Bryan, H.M., C.T. Darimont, P.C. Paquet, K.E. Wynne-Edwards and J.E. Smits. 2014. Stress and reproductive hormones reflect inter-specific social and nutritional conditions mediated by resource availability in a bear-salmon system. Conservation Physiology 2 (1). Open Access.

Fox, C.H., El-Sabaawi, R., Paquet, P.C., Reimchen, T.E. 2014. Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) and wrack macrophytes subsidize semi-terrestrial detritivores, Marine Ecology Progress Series. 495: 49-64. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pone.0080537″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Bryan, H.M., C.T. Darimont, P.C. Paquet, K.E. Wynne-Edwards and J.E. Smits. 2013. Stress and reproductive hormones in grizzly bears reflect nutritional benefits and social consequences of a salmon niche. PLOS ONE 8(11): e80537. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pone.0083768″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Bourbonnais, M., T.A. Nelson, M.R.L. Cattett, C. T. Darimont and G.B. Stenhouse. 2013. Spatial analysis of factors influencing long-term stress in the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) population of Alberta, Canada. PLOS ONE 8 (12): e83768. Open Access.

[altmetric doi=”110.1371/journal.pone.0078041″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Artelle, K.A., S.C. Anderson, A.B. Cooper, P.C. Paquet, J.D. Reynolds, C.T. Darimont. 2013. Confronting uncertainty in wildlife management: performance of grizzly bear management in British Columbia, Canada. PLOS ONE 8(11): e78041. Open Access. Coverage in Nature also generated > 40 different news items online, on radio, on TV, etc. For some, see our media pageAltmetric has tracked 2,039,673 articles across all journals so far. Compared to these this article has done particularly well and is in the 99th percentile: it’s in the top 5% of all articles ever tracked by Altmetric.

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Vander Wal, E., I. Edye, P.C. Paquet, D.W. Coltman, E. Bayne, R.K. Brook and J.A. Andres. 2013. Juxtaposition between host population structures: implications for disease transmission in a cervid community. Evolutionary Applications 6: 1001-1011. Open access.

Stronen, A.V. and P.C. Paquet. 2013. Perspectives on the conservation of wild hybrids. Biological Conservation. 167: 390-395. Open Access.

Forest Ethics Advocacy, Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Living Oceans Society (prepared by Ecojustice). 2013. IN THE MATTER OF ENBRIDGE NORTHERN GATEWAY PROJECT JOINT REVIEW PANEL FINAL WRITTEN ARGUMENT OF FORESTETHICS ADVOCACY, LIVING OCEANS SOCIETY AND RAINCOAST CONSERVATION FOUNDATION. Submitted to the Joint Review Panel (National Energy Board of Canada and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency). PDF.

Vander Wal, E., P.C. Paquet, F. Messier, P.D. McLoughlin. 2013. Effects of phenology and sex on social proximity in a gregarious ungulate. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91(9): 601-609, see here.

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van Beest, F.M., E. Vander Wal, A. V. Stronen, P. C. Paquet, and R. K. Brook. 2013. Temporal variation in site fidelity: scale-dependent effects of forage abundance and predation risk in a non-migratory large herbivore. Oecologia, PDF link

Bryan, H.M., C.T. Darimont, J. Hill, P.C. Paquet, R.C.A. Thompson, B. Wagner, and J.E.G. Smits. 2012. Seasonal and biogeographic patterns of gastrointestinal parasites in large carnivores: wolves in a coastal archipelago. Parasitology 139(6): 781-790, see here

Darimont, C.T. and P.C. Paquet. 2012. Lessons from the Lorax. A scientists’ lament and a plea for ethics. In Wright, A (Ed.). Faltering Light. Cold Coast Press.

Derbridge, J.J., P.R. Krausman, and C.T. Darimont. 2012. Using Bayesian stable isotope mixing models to estimate wolf diet in a multi-prey ecosystem. Journal of Wildlife Management 76(6): 1277-1289, see here

Kawanishi, K., S. Horng Neo Liang, C.T. Darimont, T.E. Reimchen, and M.E. Sunquist. 2012. Isotopic niche differentiation among mammals from a rainforest in Peninsular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pbio.1001303″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Levi*, T., C. T. Darimont*, M.M. MacDuffee, M. Mangel, P.C. Paquet, and C.C. Wilmers. 2012 Using grizzly bears to assess economic and ecosystem tradeoffs in Pacific salmon management. PLoS Biology 10: e1001303 *shared lead authorship PLoS Biology highlight, see here.

Nelson, B., M. Hebblewhite, V. Ezenwa, T. Shury, E.H. Merrill, P.C. Paquet, F. Schmiegelow, D. Seip, G. Skinner, and N. Webb. 2012. Prevalence of antibodies to canine parvovirus and distemper virus in wolves in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48(1): 68-76, pdf

[altmetric doi=”″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Service, C., T. Nelson, W. McInnes, P.C. Paquet and C.T. Darimont. 2012Evaluating external risks to protected areas; the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline in British Columbia, Canada. Natural Areas Journal 32(4): 367-376, see here

Paquet, P.C., C.T. Darimont, M. MacDuffee, A. Rosenberger, M. Jasny, C. Fox, J. Kelson and B. Falconer, and Ecojustice (B Robinson and T. Leadem). 2012. Raincoast Conservation Foundation Response to Northern Gateway Information Request No. 1. Submitted to the Joint Review Panel (National Energy Board of Canada and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency). PDF

Stronen, A.V., G.J. Forbes, P.C. Paquet, G. Goulet, T. Sallows, and M. Musiani. 2012. Dispersal in a plain landscape: short-distance genetic differentiation in southwestern Manitoba wolves, Canada. Conservation Genetics 13: 359-371, see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05431.x” float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Vander Wal, E., P. Paquet, and J. Andrés. 2012. Influence of landscape and social interactions on transmission of communicable disease in a social cervid. Molecular Ecology 21: 1271-1282, pdf

Wilmers, C.C., C.T. Darimont, and M. Hebblewhite. 2012. Predators as buffers against climate change. Pp 330-346 In Brodie, J., E. Post, and D. Doak (Eds). Wildlife Conservation in a changing climate. University of Chicago Press, see here

Bryan, H.M. C.T. Darimont, P.C. Paquet, J.A. Ellis, N. Goji, M. Gouix, and J.E. Smits. 2011. Exposure to infectious agents in dogs in remote coastal British Columbia: possible sentinels of diseases in wildlife and people. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 75: 11-17, see here

Darimont, C.T., P.C. Paquet, and T.E. Reimchen. 2011 (Re-published in Special on-line open-access Virtual Edition – Legacy of Charles S Elton). Landscape heterogeneity and marine subsidy generate extensive niche variation in a terrestrial carnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 126-133, see here

Paquet, P.C., C.T. Darimont, M. MacDuffee, A. Rosenberger, M. Jasny, C. Fox, J. Kelson and B. Falconer, and Ecojustice (B Robinson and T. Leadem). 2011. IN THE MATTER OF ENBRIDGE NORTHERN GATEWAY PROJECT JOINT REVIEW PANEL WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF RAINCOAST CONSERVATION FOUNDATION. Submitted to the Joint Review Panel (National Energy Board of Canada and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency). PDF

DellaSala, D., F. Moola, P. Paquet, and R. Noss. 2011. North America Coastal Rainforest: Alaska to the Redwoods. In DellaSala, D. (ed). Temperate and Lesser Known Rainforests of the World: Their Ecology and Conservation. Island Press, see here

Stronen, A.V., T. Sallows, G.J. Forbes, and P.C. Paquet. 2011. Disease and parasite burden in an increasingly isolated wolf population. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:222–227, see here

Stronen, A.V., N. H. Schumaker, G. J. Forbes, P. C. Paquet, and R. K. Brook. 2012. Landscape resistance to dispersal: simulating long-term effects of human disturbance on a small and isolated wolf population in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Environ Monit Assess 184(11): 6924-6934. see pdf

Bryan, H. M., K.A. Sim, C.T. Darimont, P.C. Paquet, B. Wagner, W. Muñoz-Fuentes, J.E. Smits, and N.B. Chilton. 2010Identification of Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) First-Stage Larvae in the Feces of Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) by Molecular Methods. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46: 297-302, see here

Darimont, C.T., H.M. Bryan, S.M. Carlson, M.D. Hocking, M. MacDuffee, P.C. Paquet,  M.H.H. Price, T.E. Reimchen, J.D. Reynolds, and C.C. Wilmers. 2010. Salmon for terrestrial protected areas. Conservation Letters 3: 379-389, Online open access

Fox, C.H., P.C. Paquet, and T.C. Reimchen. 2010. Active American black bear dens adjacent to a marine beach used for foraging. Ursus 21:195–197, pdf

Paquet, P.C., and C.T. Darimont. 2010. Wildlife conservation and animal welfare: two sides of the same coin?  Animal Welfare 19(2): 177-190. PDF

Mathews, F., D.T. Blumstein, C. Darimont and >10 others. 2010. Conservation and animal welfare: consensus statement and guiding principles. Animal Welfare 19: 191-192. see here

Muñoz-Fuentes, V., C.T. Darimont, P.C. Paquet, and J.A. Leonard. 2010. The genetic legacy of extirpation and re-colonization in Vancouver Island wolves. Conservation Genetics 11: 547-556, see here

Paquet, P.C., B. Miller, K. Kunkel, R.P. Reading, and M.K. Phillips. 2010. The importance of large carnivores. Pages 49-60 in Reading, R.P., B.J. Miller, A. Masching, R. Edward, and M. Phillips (eds.). Awakening Spirits: Wolves in the Southern Rockies. Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, CO, see here

Phillips, M.K., B. Miller, K. Kunkel, P.C. Paquet, W.W. Martin, and D.W. Smith. 2010. Potential for and implications of wolf restoration in the Southern Rockies. Pages 197-218 in Reading, R.P., B.J. Miller, A. Masching, R. Edward, and M. Phillips (eds.). Awakening Spirits: Wolves in the Southern Rockies. Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, CO, see here

Stronen, A.V., G.J. Forbes, T. Sallows, G. Goulet, M. Musiani, and P.C. Paquet. 2010. Wolf body mass, skull morphology and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the Riding Mountain National Park region of Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88: 496-507, see here

Darimont, C.T., S.M. Carlson, M.T. Kinnison, P.C. Paquet, T.E. Reimchen, and C.C. Wilmers. 2009. Reply to Koons: Harvest-related trait changes in an increasingly variable world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: E33. see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1073/pnas.0809235106″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., S.M. Carlson, M.T. Kinnison, P.C. Paquet, T.E. Reimchen, and C.C. Wilmers. 2009.  Human predators outpace other agents of trait change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 952-954, see here (Research Highlight in Nature) (Highlight in Science NOW) (Highlight in New Scientist) (Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology) (Stenseth and Dunlop’s News and Views in Nature) (#30 in Discover Magazine’s 100 Top Science Stories of 2009) (Additional coverage in Discover Magazine)

Darimont, C. T., P.C. Paquet, and T. E. Reimchen. 2009. Landscape heterogeneity and marine subsidy generate extensive intrapopulation niche diversity in a large terrestrial vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 126–133, pdf

Kinnison, M.T., E.P. Palkovacs, C.T. Darimont, S.M. Carlson, P.C. Paquet, and C.C. Wilmers. 2009. Some cautionary notes on fisheries evolutionary impact assessments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PDF

Muñoz-Fuentes, V., C.T. Darimont, R.K. Wayne, P.C. Paquet, and J.A. Leonard. 2009. Ecological factors drive genetic differentiation in British Columbia gray wolves. Journal of Biogeography 31: 1516-1531, see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1371/journal.pone.0006187″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Semmens, B.X., E.J. Ward, J.W. Moore, and C.T. Darimont. 2009. Quantifying inter- and intrapopulation niche variability using hierarchical Bayesian stable isotope mixing models. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6187. PDF

Darimont, C.T., T.E. Reimchen, H. Bryan, and P.C. Paquet. 2008. Faecal-centric approaches to wildlife ecology and conservation; methods, data and ethics. Wildlife Biology in Practice 4: 73-87, see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1186/1472-6785-8-14″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Darimont, C.T., P.C. Paquet, and T.E. Reimchen. 2008. Spawning salmon disrupt tight trophic coupling between wolves and ungulate prey in coastal British Columbia.  BMC Ecology 8: 14, see here

Price, M.H.H., C.T. Darimont, N.N. Temple, and S.M. MacDuffee. 2008. Ghost runs: management and status assessment of Pacific salmon returning to British Columbia’s central and north coasts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 65: 2712-2718see here

Trapp, J.R., P. Beier, C. Mack, D.R. Parsons, and P.C. Paquet. 2008. Wolf, Canis lupus, den site selection in the Rocky Mountains. Canadian Field-Naturalist 122: 49-56, pdf

Darimont, C.T., P.C. Paquet, and T.E. Reimchen. 2007. Stable isotopic niche predicts fitness of prey in a wolf-deer system. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90: 125-137, see here

Hocking, M.D., C.T. Darimont, K.S. Christie, and T.E. Reimchen. 2007. Niche variation in burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) associated with Pacific salmon carcasses. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 437-442see here

Musiani M., J.A. Leonard, H.D. Cluff, C.C. Gates, S. Mariani, P.C. Paquet, C. Vilà, and R.K. Wayne. 2007. Differentiation of tundra and boreal coniferous forest wolves: genetics, coat color and association with migratory caribou. Molecular Ecology 16: 4149-4170, see here

Nyhus, P.J., R. Lacy, F.R. Westley, P. Miller, H. Vredenburg, P. Paquet, and J. Pollak. 2007. Tackling biocomplexity with meta-models for species risk assessment. Ecology and Society 12(1): 31, see here

Stronen, A.V, R.K. Brooks, P.C. Paquet, and S. Mclachlan. 2007. Farmer attitudes toward wolves: Implications for the role of predators in managing disease. Biological Conservation 135: 1-10, see here

Stronen, A., P.C. Paquet, S. Herrero, S. Sharpe, and N. Waters. 2007. Translocation and recovery efforts for the Telkwa Caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou, herd in Westcentral British Columbia, 1997 – 2005. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 121: 155-163, pdf

Alexander, S.M., T.B. Logan, and P.C. Paquet. 2006. Spatio-temporal co-occurrence of cougar (Felis concolor), wolves (Canis lupus) and their prey during winter: A comparison of two analytical methods. Journal of Biogeography 33: 2001-2012, see here

Bryan, H.M, C.T. Darimont, T.E. Reimchen, and P.C. Paquet. 2006. Early ontogenetic diet of wolves. Canadian Field-Naturalist 20: 61-66see here

Paquet, P.C., S.M. Alexander, P.L. Swan, and C.T. Darimont. 2006. The influence of natural landscape fragmentation and resource availability on connectivity and distribution of marine gray wolf populations on the Central Coast, British Columbia, Canada. In Crooks, K. and M.A. Sanjayan (Eds.) Connectivity Conservation. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UKsee here

Theberge, J.B., M.T. Theberge, J.A. Vucetich, and P.C. Paquet. 2006. Pitfalls of applying adaptive management to a wolf population in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario. Environmental Management 37: 451-460, see here

Alexander, S. M., P.C. Paquet, T. B. Logan, and D. J. Saher. 2005. Snow-tracking versus radiotelemetry for predicting wolf-environment relationships in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33: 1216-1224, see here

Alexander, S.M., N.M. Waters, and P.C. Paquet. 2005. Traffic volume and highway permeability for a mammalian community in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien 49: 321-331, see here

Darimont, C.T., P.C. Paquet, T.E. Reimchen, and V. Crichton. 2005. Range expansion by moose into coastal temperate rainforests of British Columbia, Canada. Diversity and Distributions 11: 235-239see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1890/04-1269.” float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Hebblewhite, M., C. White, C. Nietvelt, J. Mckenzie, T. Hurd, J. Fryxell, S. Bayley, and P.C. Paquet. 2005. Human activity mediates a trophic cascade caused by wolves. Ecology 86: 1320–1330, see here

Jickling, R., and P.C. Paquet. 2005. Wolf stories: Reflections on science, ethics, and epistemology. Environmental Ethics 27:115-134, pdf

Paquet, P.C. and S. M. Alexander. 2005. Banff National Park: how helpful is highway mitigation? Wild Earth Fall/Winter: 70-71. Paquet, P.C., C.T. Darimont, F.M. Moola, and C. Genovali. 2005.  Connectivity where the land meets the sea; preserving the last of the best. Wild Earth 14: 21-25, see here

Price, M.H.H., C.T. Darimont, N.N. Winchester, and P.C. Paquet. 2005. Facts from faeces: Prey remains in wolf faeces revise occurrence records for mammals of British Columbia’s coastal archipelago. Canadian Field-Naturalist 119: 192-196see here

Carroll, C., Noss, R.F., and P.C. Paquet. 2004. A proposed wildlands network for carnivore conservation in the Rocky Mountains. Wild Earth, Spring: 38-41, see here

Carroll, C., R.F. Noss, P.C. Paquet, and N.H Schumaker. 2004. Extinction debt of protected areas in developing landscapes. Conservation Biology 18: 1110-1120, pdf

Darimont, C.T., M.H.H. Price, N.N. Winchester, J. Gordon-Walker, and P.C. Paquet. 2004. Predators in natural fragments: foraging ecology of wolves in British Columbia’s central and north coast archipelago. Journal of Biogeography 31: 1867-1877see here

Frame, P.F., D.S. Hik, H.D. Cluff, and P.C. Paquet. 2004. Long foraging movement of a denning tundra wolf. Arctic 57(2): 196-203, pdf

Forshner, S.A., P. Paquet, F.G.M. Burrows, G.K. Neale, and K.D. Wade. 2004. Demographic patterns and limitations of wolves (Canis lupus) in and near Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 118: 95-104, see here

McLoughlin, P.D., L. Walton, H.D. Cluff, and P.C. Paquet. 2004. Hierarchical habitat selection by tundra wolves. Journal of Mammalogy 85: 576-580, pdf

Musiani, M. and P.C. Paquet. 2004. The practices of wolf persecution, protection, and restoration in Canada and the United States. Bioscience, 54:50-60, see here

Paquet, P.C. and R.K. Brook. 2004. Island use as an anti-predator tactic by parturient elk and nursery herds in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32(4): 1321-1324, see here

Carroll, C., R.F. Noss, P.C. Paquet, and N.H. Schumaker. 2003. Integrating population viability analysis and reserve selection algorithms into regional conservation plans. Ecological Applications 13: 1773–1789, see here

Darimont, C.T., T.E. Reimchen and P.C. Paquet. 2003. Foraging behaviour by gray wolves on salmon streams in coastal British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 349-353see here

Hebblewhite, M.D., P.C. Paquet, and D.H. Pletscher. 2003. Development and application of a ratioestimator to estimate wolf killing rates and variance in a multiple prey system. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31: 933–946, pdf

Hebblewhite, M.D., D.H. Pletscher, and P.C. Paquet. 2003. Elk population dynamics after wolf recolonization in the Bow Valley of Banff National Park. Research Links 11:1-13, pdf

Paquet, P.C. and L.N. Carbyn. 2003. Wolf, Canis lupus and allies. Pages 482-510 in G. A. Feldhamer, B.C. Thompson, and J.A. Chapman (eds.) Wild Mammals of North America: Biology, Management, and Conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, see here

Darimont, C.T., and T.E. Reimchen. 2002. Intra-hair stable isotope analysis implies seasonal shift to salmon in gray wolf diet. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 1638-1642see here

Darimont, C.T., and P.C. Paquet. 2002. The gray wolves, Canis lupus, of British Columbia’s central and north coast: distribution and conservation assessment. Canadian Field-Naturalist 116: 416-422see here

Hebblewhite, M., D.H. Pletscher, and P.C. Paquet. 2002. Elk population dynamics in areas with and without predation by recolonizing wolves in Banff National Park, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 789-799, pdf

Paquet, P.C., F. Burrows, A. Forshner, G. Neale, and K. Wade. 2002. Blastomycosis in a free ranging wolf, Canis lupus, on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Ontario – a response to P. Krizan. Canadian Field Naturalist 115: 185, see here

Carroll, C., R.F. Noss, and P.C. Paquet. 2001. Carnivores as focal species for conservation planning in the Rocky Mountain Region. Ecological Applications 11:961-980, see here

Carroll, C., R.F. Noss, N. Shoemaker, and P.C. Paquet. 2001. Is the restoration of wolf, wolverine, and grizzly bear to Oregon and California biologically feasible? In D.S. Maeher, R.F. Noss, and J.L. Larkin (eds.) Large Mammal Restoration, Island Press, Washington, D.C., see here

Duke, D.L., M. Hebblewhite, P.C. Paquet, C. Callaghan, and M. Percy. 2001. Restoration of a large carnivore corridor in Banff National Park, Alberta. Pages 261-276 in D.S. Maeher, R.F. Noss, and J.L. Larkin (eds.) Large Mammal Restoration, Island Press, Washington, D.C., see here

Fascione, N., L.G.L Osborn, S.R. Kendrot, and P.C. Paquet. 2001. Canis soupus: Eastern wolf genetics and its implications for wolf recovery in the Northeast United States. Endangered Species Update 18:159-163.

Paquet, P.C., J.R. Strittholt, N.L. Staus, P.J. Wilson, S. Grewal, and B.N. White. 2001. Feasibility of timber wolf reintroduction in  in Adirondack Park. Pages 47-64,in D.S. Maeher, R.F. Noss, and J.L. Larkin (eds.). Large Mammal Restoration, Island Press, Washington, D.C., see here

Walton, H,. D. Cluff, P.C. Paquet, and M.A. Ramsay. 2001. Movement patterns of barren-ground wolves in the Central Canadian arctic. Journal of Mammalogy 82:867-876, see here

Walton, H,. D. Cluff, P.C. Paquet, and M.A. Ramsay. 2001. Performance of two models of satellite collars for wolves. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:180-186, see here

[altmetric doi=”10.1139/z00-158″ float=”right” popover=”left” style=”box-shadow”: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);”class=”someclass” type=”1″]

Wilson, P.J., S. Grewal, I.D. Lawford, J.N.M. Heal, A.G. Granacki, D. Pennock, J.B. Theberge, M.T. Theberge, D.R. Voigt, W. Waddell, R.E. Chambers, P.C. Paquet, G. Goulet, D. Cluff, and B.N. White. 2000. DNA profiles of the eastern Canadian wolf and the red wolf provide evidence for a common evolutionary history independent of the gray wolf. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:1-11, see here

Crichton, V. and P.C. Paquet. 1999. Cadmium in Manitoba’s Wildlife. Alces 36:205-216, Online Open Access

Terborgh, J., J. Estes, P.C. Paquet, K. Ralls, D. Boyd-Heger, B. Miller, and R. Noss. 1999. The role of top carnivores in regulating terrestrial ecosystems. Wild Earth 9:42-56.

Alexander, S., P.C. Paquet and N. Waters. 1997. Playing God with GIS: Uncertainty in Wolf Habitat Suitability Models. Conference Proceedings: GIS World ’97. Vancouver, BC. February 17-20, 1997.

Alexander, S., C. Callaghan, P.C. Paquet and N. Waters. 1996. GIS predictive models for habitat use by wolves (Canis lupus). Conference Proceedings: CD-ROM. GIS ’96: Ten Years of Excellence. Vancouver, BC. March 17-20, 1996.

Clark, T.W., P.C. Paquet, and P.A. Curlee. 1996. General lessons and positive trends in large carnivore Conservation: Special Section: Large Carnivore Conservation in the Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada. Conservation Biology 10:1055-1058. pdf

Clark, T.W., P.C. Paquet, and P.A. Curlee. 1996. Introduction: Special Section: Large Carnivore Conservation in the Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada. Conservation Biology 10:936-939.

Clark, T.W., P.C. Paquet, and P.A. Curlee. (eds) 1996. Large Carnivore Conservation in the Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada. Special Section. Conservation Biology 10:936-1055.

Noss, F. R., H.B. Quigley, T.M. Hornocker, and P.C. Paquet, P.C. 1996. Conservation biology and carnivore conservation in the Rocky Mountains. Conservation Biology 10:949-963, see here

Weaver, J.L., P.C. Paquet, and L.F. Ruggierio. 1996. Resilience and Conservation of Large Carnivores in the Rocky Mountains. Conservation Biology 10:964-976, see here

Boyd, D.K., P.C. Paquet, S. Donelon, R.R. Ream, D.H. Pletscher, and C.C. White. 1995. Transboundary movements of a recolonizing wolf population in the Rocky Mountains. Pages 135-140 In L.N. Carbyn, S.H. Fritts, and D.R. Seip (eds.) Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world. Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, see here

Pacas, C., and P.C. Paquet. 1995. Analysis of black bear home range using a geographic information system. International Conference on Bear Research and Management. 9(1): 419-425, pdf

Paquet, P.C. 1992. Prey use strategies of sympatric wolves and coyotes in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. Journal of Mammalogy 73:337-343, see here

Paquet, P.C. 1991. Scent marking behavior of sympatric wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (C. latrans) in Riding Mountain National Park. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:1721-1727, see here

Paquet, P.C. 1991. Winter spatial relationships of wolves and coyotes in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. Journal of Mammalogy 72:397-401, see here

Gibeau, M, and Paquet, P.C. 1991. Evaluation of telazol for immobilization of black bears. Wildlife Society Bulletin 19:400-402, see here

Killiaan, H.P.L., C. Mamo, and P.C. Paquet. 1991. A coyote and badger observed together near Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 105: 122-123, pdf

Paquet, P.C. and W.A. Fuller. 1990. Scent marking and territoriality in wolves of Riding Mountain National Park. In D.W. Macdonald, D. Muller-Schwarze, and S.E. Natynczuk (eds.) Chemical signals in vertebrates 5. Oxford University Press, N.Y. pp 394-400, see here

Paquet, P.C., and L.N. Carbyn. 1986. Wolves, Canis lupus, killing denning black bears, Ursus americanus, in the Riding Mountain National Park area. Canadian Field-Naturalist 100:371-372, pdf

Paquet, P.C. 1986. Wolves revisited. Nature Canada 15:54.

Carbyn, L.N., and P.C. Paquet. 1986. Long distance movement of a coyote from Riding Mountain National Park. Journal of Wildlife Management 50:89.

Paquet, P.C., and J.O. Sullivan. 1978. Management of wolves in captivity. Proc. W. Psychol. Assoc., San Francisco State Univ., San Francisco, California.

Paquet, P.C., and J.O. Sullivan. 1977. Behavior of wild canids: Social systems of wolves in large and small enclosures. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Zool. Parks and Aquar., Hills Co., Topeka, Kansas.

Paquet, P.C. 1974. Small mammals of the Colorado River islands (Arizona). Arizona Fish and Game Bull. 56.

Popular Books

McAllister, I., and C.T. Darimont.  2007. The Last Wild Wolves. Ghosts of the Great Bear Rainforest. Greystone Books (Canada), University of California – Berkeley Press (USA), Frederking and Thaler (Germany).  (100% of my book revenues donated to the QQS Society– a registered Heiltsuk First Nations charity)

McAllister, I., P.C. Paquet, and C.T. Darimont.  2011. Following the Last Wild Wolves. Greystone Books, Vancouver, BC.  (my revenues donated to charity) Musiani, M., L. Boitani, and P. C. Paquet (eds.). 2009. A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy. University of Calgary Press, Calgary. AB Canada, see here

Harrington, F.H. and P.C. Paquet (Eds.). 1982. Wolves of the world: Perspectives of behavior, ecology, and conservation. Noyes Publications, New Jersey, see here

Selected Reports

Wainwright, C.J., C.T. Darimont, and P.C. Paquet. 2010. British Columbia’s Neglected Carnivore: a Conservation Assessment and Conservation Planning Guide for Cougars. Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Sidney, BCpdf

Raincoast Conservation Foundation. 2010. What’s at Stake; the cost of oil on British Columbia’s priceless coast’. Published by the Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Ver. 01-10. 62 ppdf

McCrory, W.P. and P. Paquet. 2009. Proposed bear-viewing strategy for the K’ztim-a-deen (Khutzeymateen) Grizzly Bear Sanctuary and K’tzim-a-deen Inlet Conservancies, British Columbia. Report for the K’tzim-a-deen Management Committee and Planning Process, Prince Rupert, B.C.

Apps, C.D., J.L. Weaver, P.C. Paquet, B. Bateman and B.N. McLellan. 2007. Carnivores in the southern Canadian Rockies: Core areas and connectivity across the Crowsnest Highway. Wildlife Conservation Society Canada Conservation Report No. 3. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pdf

Gilbert, B., L. Craighead, B. Horejsi, P. Paquet, and W. McCrory. 2004. Scientific criteria for evaluation and establishment of grizzly bear management areas in British Columbia. Panel of Independent Scientists, Victoria, B.C. 16pp, pdf

Paquet P., C.T. Darimont, R. J. Nelson, and K. Bennett. 2004. A critical assessment of protection for key wildlife and salmon habitats under the proposed British Columbia Central Coast Land and Resource Management Plan. Prepared for Raincoast Conservation Society. Victoria, BCpdf

Darimont, C.T., K. Gerwing, P.C. Paquet, B. Reid, W. McCrory, and B. Cross. 2003. Preliminary modeling of deer winter range in Heiltsuk Territory on the Central Coast of British Columbia. Prepared for the Heiltsuk Nation and the Raincoast Conservation Society. Victoria BC, pdf

McCrory, W., P. Paquet, and Cross, B. 2003. Design of habitat and population models for assessing conservation values for the gray wolf and Sitka deer of the B.C. Central Coast Rainforest. Report to Valhalla Wilderness Society, New Denver, BC.

Alexander, S.M., D.L. Duke, and P.C. Paquet. 2002. Modeling carnivore habitat-use, travel patterns and human activity around the town of Canmore. Prepared for Wilburforce Foundation, Seattle, WA, pdf

Carroll, C., R.F Noss, and P.C. Paquet. 2002. Rocky Mountain carnivore project final report. Prepared for World Wildlife Fund Canada, Toronto, ON, pdf

Paquet, P.C., and C.T. Darimont. 2002. Yeo Island wolf home site recommendation: a proposed solution to the conflict between the home site requirements of wolves and areas targeted for timber harvest.  Prepared for Raincoast Conservation Society, the Heiltsuk Nation, and Western Forest Productspdf

Paquet, P.C., J.A. Vucetich, M.K. Phillips, and L.M. Vucetich. 2001. Mexican wolf recovery: three year program review and assessment. Prepared by the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG), Apple Valley, Minnesota; prepared for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 86pp, pdf

Darimont, C.T., and P.C. Paquet. 2000. The Rainforest Wolves of Coastal British Columbia. Findings from Year 2000 Pilot Study and Conservation Assessment. Prepared for the Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Victoria BCpdf

Carroll, C., P.C. Paquet, and R.F. Noss. 1999. Modeling carnivore habitat in the Rocky Mountain region. A literature review and suggested strategy. World Wildlife Fund Canada. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 104pp, pdf

Paquet, P.C., R.F. Noss, C. Carroll, and S. Alexander. 1999. Conservation biology primer and carnivores as conservation species. Prepared for Sierra Club of British Columbia and Central Coast LRMP.

Selected Popular Writing:

Genovali, C, P. Paquet, and M. MacDuffee. Climate Change Missing In Enbridge Northern Gateway Assessment. Huffington Post. September 6,  2013.

Darimont, C.T., C. Genovali and P.C. Paquet. 2013. What if wolves managed human populations? Huffington Post. Jan 19, 2013

Darimont, C.T. 2012. (Not so) Terrestrial Mammals. In Suzuki et al., Canada’s Raincoast at Risk: Art for an Oil-Free Coast. November, 2012, pdf

Darimont, C.T. 2012. To Bear Witness. October, 2012. SBC Surf

Darimont, C.T. 2012. Oil and Water; Waves, untamed wilderness and Big Oil intersect in Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest. May, 2012.Surfer Magazine

Genovali, C., P. Paquet and C.T. Darimont. 2011. Wolves, Caribou, Tar Sands and Canada’s Oily Ethics. Huffington Post. September 21 (reprint of version in UK’s Gaurdian)

Darimont, C.T. and M. MacDuffee. 2009. The Bear Essentials of Saving Salmon. Fully protected safe havens would have positive effect on ecosystems. Counterpunch magazine. October, 2009.

Darimont, C.T. and M. MacDuffee. 2009. The Bear Essentials of Saving Salmon. Fully protected safe havens would have positive effect on ecosystems. OP ED. Victoria Times Colonist. October 4, 2009.

Darimont, C.T. 2008. In and Out of Africa. Raincoast Conservation Foundation Notes from the Field.

Darimont, C.T. 2007. The Lone Wolf. Wolves magazine. Spring 2007, pdf Calestagne-Morelli, A.R. and C.T.

Darimont. 2007. Notes from the Fieldstation. Raincoast Conservation Foundation Notes from the Field.

Darimont, C.T., and C. Genovali. 2006. BC’s Misguided War on Predators. Counterpunch magazine. June 06, 2006see here

Paquet, P.C., and C.T. Darimont. 2006. Old Growth, New Concern. Monday Magazine. August 30, 2006

Genovali, C. and C.T. Darimont. 2006. No Chances with Wolves.  Arts and Opinion; Arts, Culture, Analysis. Vol. 5, No. 4, 2006see here

Paquet, P.C., C.T. Darimont, and C. Genovali. 2006. The Great Bear Rainforest; Home of island-hopping wolves. Howlings Magazine. Winter 2005/2006.

Paquet, P., C. Darimont, C. Genovali, and F. Moola. 2005. Last of the best. Wolf Print. The UK Wolf Conservation Trust. Issue 24: 7-9, pdf