As spring comes knocking, field work preparations are underway!

With the start of spring comes a new season of field work for the ACS lab. This means a lot of preparation in the weeks leading up to May, from purchasing and packing field equipment, to detailed plans and schedules. It’s a busy time, but one that carries a certain excitement. The lab is abuzz with stories from years past and enthusiasm for the season ahead for the Raincoast team.

Equally important to the physical preparations are the mental preparations that each one of us undergoes. This is my first field season with the ACS lab, and as a result I don’t know what to expect in the weeks to come. But a piece of wisdom I heard in the lab is that not having expectations at all about what lies ahead may be the best way to approach this new experience. Rather than trying to figure out everything in advance and imagining how things might be, I have resolved to begin this experience with a clear mind. I hope to do a lot of listening, learning, and thinking over the next weeks, and filling my brain with thoughts of what could or should would only serve to constrain what is possible. I would rather approach each new experience with an eager and open mind.

As I continue to pack backpacks full of equipment, I am also unpacking my head of expectations.

By Tyler Jessen

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