Chris darimont and team
Applied Conservation Science Lab
Science inspired by nature, people, and place.
Evidence to inform policy.
Outreach to inspire the public.

Chris Darimont
Senior Researcher
I am fortunate to be a Professor, Provost’s Engaged Scholar, and the Raincoast Chair of Applied Conservation Science Lab in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria.
Favouring an interdisciplinary approach, I have been – and continue to be – influenced by a broad network of mentors and collaborators.
I currently teach GEOG 353 (Coastal and Marine Resource Management) and co-teach GEOG 453 with Jess Housty (Haíɫzaqv Nation), a field course integrating western science and Indigenous knowledge.
The Team
Johanna Griggs
Andi Hutchinson
Emma Bialobzyski
Kevin White
Monica Short
Paul Paquet
Chris Darimont
Ilona Mihalik
Kate Field
Tyler Jessen
Persia Khan
Our research
We aim to conduct science inspired by nature, people, and place
We confront important and urgent problems and opportunities, often identified by the Indigenous Nations with which we partner.

With Gratitude
Our research would not be possible without organizations that have invested in our work.
Our lab owes its existence to the foresight and investments of the Raincoast Conservation Foundation and the Tula Foundation, which invested in the first five years of our work (2012-2017).
In 2017, a private family foundation and Raincoast created the Raincoast Chaired Professorship in Applied Conservation Science, which will support our work until 2027, and potentially beyond.