I am fortunate to be a Professor, Provost’s Engaged Scholar, and the Raincoast Chair of Applied Conservation Science Lab in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria.
Favouring an interdisciplinary approach, I have been – and continue to be – influenced by a broad network of mentors and collaborators.
I earned a PhD in Ecology and Evolution from the Biology Department at the University of Victoria with Dr. Tom Reimchen. Postdoctoral opportunities took me to the University of California, Santa Cruz, where I worked with Dr. Chris Wilmers.
My long-term affiliation with the science-based eNGO, the Raincoast Conservation Foundation has also shaped me and the work in which I engage. I receive mentorship and partnership with many Raincoasters. Dr. Paul Paquet in particular has influenced, taught and empowered me since I first met him at a pizza restaurant in Canmore in December 1998.
Colleagues, friends, and Knowledge Holders among the Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk), Wuikinuxv, Kitasoo/Xai-xais, and Nuxalk Nations have also been enormously influential in guiding what I do, and how I do it.
Teaching and mentoring students, however, is my favourite form of outreach. Currently, I teach GEOG 353 (Coastal and Marine Resource Management) during the spring term. Jessie Housty and I also teach a field course about integrating western science and Indigenous knowledge in the use, monitoring and study of resources (GEOG 453). This amazing course takes place in the village of Bella Bella and at the at Koeye River.
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