On this International Women’s Day

Dear future woman* in science,
Today (and everyday) we’re committed to celebrating you! It isn’t always easy, but you’re equipped and up to the challenge. We thank you for everything you’ve done so far and look forward to everything you continue to do to keep pushing science and society forward.
A few wise words of advice from the women of the ACS Lab:
“When I began my journey in the sciences, I couldn’t have fathomed how important building a community of kind, resilient, vulnerable, and supportive colleagues and friends (especially women) would be for my health, growth, and research. Avoid the traps of individualism and hyper-independence, and dedicate energy towards building communities of reciprocal respect, care, and empowerment in and outside of the academy. It is beyond worth it, I promise.”
“Be yourself. It’s okay if you look, sound, act or think differently from your peers – that is a strength, not a weakness. Science needs you, your ideas and expertise.”
“My piece of advice as a woman at the beginning of a career in science is to make yourself known. Speak up in class! Attend seminars! Email that professor! The more you get out there, the better chance you have to find yourself in the right conversation with the right person at the right time. For me, that’s made all the difference.”
“Know yourself and your capabilities well enough that when someone says you can’t do something, you can confidently say ‘respectfully, you’re wrong’.”
“Trust yourself! Channel courage and honour compassion. Do not be afraid to ask for help along the way but also trust your gut in following the path that you believe in.”
“I think my piece of advice would be to try and remember to celebrate your accomplishments – I am definitely one to downplay my successes and the work that I have put into something, which can lead to just continuing on from finishing one goal to the next without pausing to realize how much I’ve actually accomplished (thus making me feel like I haven’t done enough). You’re allowed to celebrate yourself and all the cool things you do.”
“It’s okay to change your course. You are as dynamic and creative as you are disciplined and driven. Follow the opportunities that fill your soul!”
“Be gentle while considering the expectations you put on yourself. Remember, you are not defined by the expectations of others, whether they be financial, gendered, or otherwise.”
Happy International Women’s Day to all who celebrate in science and beyond! We also recognize that these events can be barriers to inclusivity and promote binaries in gender representation, and as a community, we seek opportunities to promote diversity and unique voices in our work.
The ACS Lab