Fri Mar 20 – Research talk by Caroline Fox in Geography Speaker Series

It our is great pleasure to announce that Dr. Caroline Fox, a Raincoast-NSERC post-doc in our lab, will be speaking this Friday March 20 in the Department of Geography’s Lecture Series. Her talk is timely; she will be bridging her rich knowledge of marine ecology, specifically of marine birds, with assessments of risks associated with human impacts on the BC coast.

Our understanding of marine birds at sea has many gaps, meaning that much of marine conservation and management planning proceeds without adequate information on marine bird communities. Caroline will review data from baseline transects conducted by the Raincoast Conservation Foundation which addresses these gaps,  and provide an overview of an analysis that identified diversity hotspots of marine birds and their vulnerability to risks of proposed and/or expanding industrial projects on the coast.  See here for more information on her talk.

Caroline is an inspirational mentor and colleague. She has the incredible ability of pairing rigorous ecological research with knowledge gaps in timely issues. Please join us in learning more about her current work, and bring your mug!

Where The Wild Things Are: Marine Bird Distributions, Densities, and Assessments of Risk on Canada’s Pacific Coast
Friday, March 20 at 2:45pm
David Turpin Building B215
Fox screen

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